At nizeX, we understand that everyone learns differently, so we offer multiple training options.
The basis of our training is the Training Library, which is directly accessible from your Lizzy software. (Click on the Train Me link in the upper right-hand corner.) Here you’ll find videos that cover all the day-to-day tasks you perform in Lizzy. The Training Library is designed to be as comprehensive as possible, with videos broken down into small segments to make topics easier (and faster) to learn.
The Training Library is free to use, and online quizzes are available for each department to test your knowledge. nizeX customers can also call into Support with training-related questions at no charge. If desired, a Q&A session for each department can also be provided.
In addition to the free training videos in our Training Library, we offer additional guided training if desired. Please see below for the details and cost of each option.
Live Online/Phone Training
This training program consists of multiple sessions per department, with guided instruction from knowledgeable trainers that specialize in each department of your business. Private sessions are scheduled specifically for your company at times that suit your business. Cost is dependent upon how many people will be trained. Please contact nizeX sales for a quote.
Onsite Training (at your location)
Our training staff can come to your location and train your employees onsite. The cost will vary depending upon your location and length of training desired. Please contact nizeX sales for a quote.
Onsite Training (at nizeX headquarters)
We offer training at our company headquarters, free of charge to nizeX customers. Please contact nizeX sales in advance to book your training session(s).