Having Unique Email Addresses for Employees
It is imperative that when setting up an employee, you designate a unique email for that employee in Lizzy. Lizzy is driven by the email address for the purposes of logging in and therefore must be unique for each user. If an employee does not have an email address for you to use, you can simply go to Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, etc. – any one of the “free” email sites and sign them up.
You do NOT want to assign someone a “office@abc.com” or “parts@” and so forth. The reason for this is someone assigned to parts@ could leave your company and all correspondence is tagged to their record. Since an email address has to be unique to every employee, you do NOT want to add someone else to your dealership and assign them the same email address that another person had already used – doing so will make it confusing as to who did what and could also cause problems for payroll and other parts of the application.
When creating an email address you should use aliases to handle things like parts@, sales@, support@… these are easy to setup and then you can have 5 different people receiving the same emails when they come in. This also makes it easier to deal with turn over because I just remove the person that quit and add in the new person we hired and everything is taken care of.