Friday 8.21.2009 Update on Lizzy™
Here we are again. If these weeks go by any faster I think I’m going to get a headache. The good news is that we’ve been able to move at a pace that equals the speed a day can pass, and in this entry I’ll catch everyone up on where we’re at and what’s left to do.
This week has seen the Invoice Items list improve even further than last week as well as the Totals page, which is nearing completion. The invoice now sports a new and improved taxation system that is handling 100% of the taxing processes TBA did with many new improvements. We’ve also added all of the excise tax processes as well as a few new things to support the Petroleum industry.
The Inventory processes have had a few things added to them including a new parts list importer. The importer was originally going to be more automatic than it is, and it may end up that way soon. However, once I got into it, I discovered that very few of the vendors out there actually let us have their parts list, and as a result, my earlier goal sorta fell apart. I’m going to continue to strive for a completely automated price list update feature, but until then we at least have the same capabilities as the old TBA system did.
We’ve had our support staff starting to bang on the doors a bit with respect to inventory and invoicing processes and so far everything is holding up perfectly. A few tried selling items with no GL account numbers in the inventory items list, and Lizzy™ quickly reversed all the entries and asked them to correct the problem. When reviewing the database there were no hits anywhere, which is exactly what we expected, but it’s nice to see a plan coming together.
We’ve also spent the week going from head to toe in the payments, AR and undeposited funds modules to insure money is flowing perfectly from point A to point B. They all support the use of EFT’s as well, in both debit and credit formats. Essentially, Lizzy™ takes the information for the EFT to pay out or to collect and deposits it into the deposits module. You will then go there and process any and all EFT’s that exist which will result in a single ACH file getting uploaded to the bank to deal with everything at once. The result will then be added to the checking account.
The cash drawer report is hopefully going to be finished by the day’s end as well as the sales tax report. Once those are done we’re on to Special order handling next week. If all goes well we should have special orders mostly wrapped up by next Friday or early the following week.
After that is done the only thing left is the handling of major units which I see taking 2 weeks to complete because of all the cool things we’ll have under the hood. I really can’t wait for everyone to see this aspect of the program because it’s the one I think most of you will appreciate the most.
Lastly we had a very productive meeting with Eric at Takenote Software on the future of F&I with respect to Lizzy™. He has agreed to join the team in order to help create the most integrated F&I system every seen in the Powersports industry. He as well as we, are very excited about our futures and what we’re about to bring to all of our current and future customers. We’re confident that what Eric will bring to the table is going to not only get us to the finish line that much faster but will also greatly improve the end result. This has been and still is referred to as Phase II of the project, so this is the first big step in having that ball rolling.
Well, its almost Miller time so everyone have a good weekend and we’ll see you on the other side.