HOWTO: Technician’s Performance Report
Setting up the Technician’s Performance Report:
Prior to using the report, we must first set a few things up. One of the bigger things to set up is Job Classifications. While at first glance, Classifications can be confusing, once you understand what they are used for, you’ll grasp what it does ( if you even need it ) for your reporting.
The first question you need to ask yourself is, do you have multiple labor rates, or do you have a single accross the board labor rate. We find that usually ( not always ), most ATV/Motorcycle dealerships have a single labor rate, and thus should NOT setup any job classifications.
When you have multiple labor rates ( normally because boats/watercraft require higher certification than motorcylces, which require higher certifications than ATVs ), Job Classifications gives you the ability to have one of your technicians have multiple labor rates.
For example, you may have ATVs at 1 labor rate, Boats/Watercraft at a 2nd labor rate, and Cycles at a 3rd labor rate. Now, you also have Joe, Ken, Larry, and Mike as your 4 technicians.
Now Joe is certified to work on ATVs and Cycles. Ken is just certified to work on ATVs. Larry and Mike are certified for all three. So now you go in the Job Classifications settings, and set up your ATVs, Boats, and Cycles as Classifications, then select your technician, and tell the system what they each make at their different classifications. Because Larry and Mike have more certifications, you pay them more per hour, and more bonus for efficiency, because you can charge more for them.
Second, we highly recommend that you have your technicians use Lizzy’s time clock. Otherwise, you lose about 50% of the reporting information efficiencies available from this report.
The Technician’s Performance Report itself:
Now, when you decide to start using the report for efficiency bonuses and what not, you probably should decide when your going to start using it, and go in and process everything up to that point.
For example, we’ll start using it for March – so we should first go in and run it for February, making sure Unprocessed is Selected, and Completed is selected. Now when we run the report, there will be a Process Unprocessed Items button at the bottom. By clicking this now, we’ve processed everything that is on a completed job, so we can start off with a fresh slate.
Normally, when ‘paying bonuses/commissions’, you want to look at Unprocessed and Completed jobs. Unprocessed, because naturally, you don’t want to pay them for something you’ve already paid them for, and completed, because you don’t want to pay them for work on a job that isn’t finished. The main reason for that is of course, since the job isn’t finished, there can be all kinds of issues that can affect the efficiency #s on an uncompleted job ( such as more tech time being assinged after you’ve paid, but before completed. ) We advise you to handle your bonuses this way so strongly, that we won’t allow you to process unprocessed jobs, unless you are running the report for unprocessed and completed jobs only.
Now, the report itself will at first show you a summary of all unassigned jobs, and every technician who has performed the type of labor specified for the given time frame ( or has not labor processed prior to the period given. )
The report will show you how much time each tech was turning a wrench ( time worked on a given job ), how long they were clocked in for, how much time you billed to the customers ( Billable Time ), how much money you billed to the customers ( Billable Amount ), how much you should have billed based on time worked ( Expected Billable ), the Tech’s Efficiency ( what % of expected billing did you actually bill to the customer ( the higher the better ) ), Wrench time efficiency % ( How much time did the tech turn his wrench vs time available to bill ( clocked in ) ), and billable time efficiency % ( how much time was billed to the customer vs time available to bill ( clocked in time ) ).
Clicking on a given technician will then drill down and show you his efficiencies per job classification ( which, if you don’t have any classifications set up, this should match the summary ).
Clicking on a given job classification will then drill down and show you all the invoices/job details that make up those efficiency #s.
Now some things that may NOT add up ( just be aware… )
It is very possible that the per date detail will not add up to the summary above it due to the fact that the per date detail is just that, per date. You may easily have a situation where you have multiple days of labor on the same job, so that job’s billable time and billable amount will appear multiple times in the detail ( for each day line item ).
Also, please note that if you do a “flat” job – your efficiencies will be screwed up because a flat labor job has no billable time nor an hourly labor rate, so your billable time % won’t be accurate, your Expected Billable won’t be accurate, and your efficiency % won’t be accurate ( so 50% of your efficiencies, and 60% of your total report won’t be accurate. )