General Update
It’s been a few months since my last update and I apologize. We’ve been hard at work trying to get some really cool modules completed and ready for the market. This blog is basically to catch everyone up on a few changes as well as a few exciting elements that will be added very soon.
1) CRM – The CRM system has had a few extra elements added to it in the last few months related to tracking email, faxes and emails with respect to customer correspondence. Interfaces to other modules such as invoicing, accounts receivables and others is also forthcoming.
2) Inventory control is almost complete and will be arriving with a built in Inventory Analysis Algorithm (IAA) which when turned on will actually allow Lizzy to analyze your inventory in real time as you’re selling items. She will continuously look at previous years sells history for specific months and generate reasonable Min/Max values based on that specific analysis. She also comes with Economic Adjustment Indicators where you can help fine tune her figures based on the way the economy is current performing.
3) Accounts receivable is mostly finished and only lacks a few reports and payment processes to be 100%. We’re very excited about having this module completed because it was determined the last big step before we can begin to provide Point of Sale processes.
4) Accounts Payable is slated to be completed within the next month and features advanced backorder management, inventory interface management as well as the standard things that always come with any solid payable system.
5) Checking has been completed and features the ability to create, void, and print checks as well as integrated payroll processes that enable the payroll module to create and manage paychecks.
6) Payroll is completed for all 50 states in the United States and will hopefully also include Canadian processes before its release. We’re currently working on the printing of specified government forms and intense testing of the module to insure that everything is working properly before release.
7) Invoicing, while not complete yet, does have its processes started, tables created and general outline done. We’ve been saving this module for last for obvious reasons but are now beginning to actually lay out just what it will do and how it will work.
The general idea behind Lizzy, and one of the things that makes her so powerful is the fact that instead of using Cloud computing, where a business has to hire professionals to come in and help integrate and keep integrated, all the separate modules needed to run a business, Lizzy comes equipped with all those pieces out of the box. The integration is programmed into Lizzy from the very beginning, allowing a complete and seamless level of communication between all departments of your business.
Lizzy also comes with Presense built right in. You will not only know what your employees are doing at any instant, but each of them will know who they can talk to, who is on the phone or busy in a meeting before they bother to communicate. Saving both time and money by allowing them to perform their duties as efficiently as possible. After all, how many times have we sent a message to someone and sat and waited for a response, only to find out later the person was at lunch?
The official release and marketing campagne will be right around the corner for Lizzy and we’re very excited about the future for both us and our customers.
Stay tuned,
–glenn hancock