• Phone+1 678.359.4184
  • Address126 A Singley Rd. Jackson GA 30233
  • Open HoursSupport : Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM EST / Sat: 9 AM – 1 PM EST
  • Phone+1 678.359.4184
  • Address126 A Singley Rd. Jackson GA 30233
  • Open HoursSupport : Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM EST / Sat: 9 AM – 1 PM EST

Latest News For 4.5.2011

It’s been a few months since I actually did a post here so wanted to update everyone on our progress and things that are going on inside the Lizzy camp. We’ve been hard at work on a number of fronts, but I will try to just hit the high spots for now.

1) We had our first training class a few months ago and have already scheduled to have another in the next 2 weeks. We realize a lot of you have gotten busy, so we’ll probably be holding off on any further classes until the fall, but the response we’ve received from the classes so far have been a bit overwhelming. We are also looking into having more regional classes where we travel to a certain area and you guys don’t have to travel as far to participate.

2) The learning center has been updated with tons of new videos and more are on the way. The learning center is becoming more and more, the go to spot for all of our Lizzy customers to keep up with new features and to refresh on things they might have forgotten or never learned yet. We should be starting phase II on this part of our solution in the next month which will allow your employees to actually login, and we’ll be able to track which videos have been watched and which have not and provide feedback to the owners so they know the progress being made.

3) As of this Friday 4.8.2011, we will be rolling out a new Time Clock Module that will allow employees that don’t use the system, but do need to clock in and out for payroll, to be able to do just that. The module is free and there is no additional charges for the employees needing to use it. We’re also going to be working on a touch screen version of it that will allow the employees to choose their name from a list and login simply by entering their password. A future version will also support finger print devices for them to login.

4) We have released our new Rental system that includes a pretty advanced scheduling system to schedule and keep track of rentals. You can take certain units out of service when needed, sell them, convert new and used units into Rental Units and so forth. The final complete system should be going into beta next week and its looking really nice.

5) We have added a new system that will allow customers to schedule and reserve items from your own website that plugs into Lizzy’s database for your company. This is the first step in starting to develop our web store processes and getting that project off the ground once and for all. We’ve pretty much decided that we’re going to do it and have already started laying out plans to get it done.

6) The master price system has proven to be a bit more complex than we would have wished due to all the manufacturers getting a little crazy with the part numbers and processes related to supersessions and cross references. We think we’ve finally nailed down the processes that should work for everyone, and are starting beta with the system next week. Keep your fingers crossed on this one as it will be huge if we can pull it off.

7) I am going to be adding a blog entry in the next few days that documents a recent TBA to Lizzy conversion we did at Lifestyle Cycles in California. We went out there a few weeks ago to help them with the conversion and we were confident that they’d be happy when we left. However, the process and flow we encountered was far more successful than even we thought it would be, and I want to discuss the specifics about the trip so that you can all get a closer view as to what happened and how it went.

As usual, there are tons of things going on in the background and we’re very excited and happy to have the chance to be doing what we do everyday. I hope to announce something in the next month that is going to change everything with respect to a certain area of your business and if all goes well you should find out about it very soon.

Stay tuned for the latest and I promise I’ll try to write more…
