New Web Conferencing and Support Software
Starting today nizeX Inc. is moving away from GotoMeeting and SSI/Nizex Remote, and moving to Mikogo. Mikogo is a free web conferencing package, that is cross platform and supports remote control of another user’s desktop.
The first step in getting Mikogo setup is to install the software, using one of the links below.
Mikogo provides a straight forward explanation of how to install their software, so there is no point in rehashing it here.
Once the software is installed, it’s time to start a session. First thing is for all parties to start Mikogo, if you are on Windows just double click the Mikogo icon in the system tray, Mac users will need to click on the icon in there Applications folder, and Linux users will double click on the icon in the Mikogo folder that was created when you unpacked the tar file. Now, whoever is going to host the web conference will need to click the button that looks like a red power button and click Start Session, this will start a new session and provide a session ID. The host/presenter should now provide the session ID to everyone who is going to join the web conference. Next, the people who are going to join the web conference will click the button with two people in it, it is the first icon to the right of the power icon. Once the join session button has been click the attendees can simple enter the session ID, choose a name, and click the Join Session button.
Now that you know how to start a web conference, there are a few useful features that everyone should be aware of:
- The presenter can change who is presenting their screen by choosing another user from the Presenters drop list.
- The presenter can give control of their screen to another user by choosing another user from the Control droplist.
- The presenter can click the invite button, the round button with a person and a plus sign at the bottom of the Participant List, to send an email invite or copy the meeting info to the clipboard.
- Even after changing who is presenting or who is in control, the original presenter maintains full control over the whole session and can take back control at anytime.
- The presenter can pause the web conference by clicking the pause button, which prevents participants from seeing thing on the presenters screen until the presenter continues the web conference by clicking the play button.
- Participants in the web conference can click any where on the presenters screen to draw attention to an area of the screen, this will make a short lived arrow on everyone’s screen in the same spot. The arrow is color coded to the participant and has the participants name attached.
Once the web conference is done, the presenter can close the conference by closing the Mikogo window. The Mikogo icon should stay in the system tray and a new session can be started at anytime by double clicking that icon.