nizeX Moves To For All Our Searches
While most people that know me are more than certain that I will speak my mind in most situations, I usually refrain from getting too political on our main website. I do feel however, that recent happenings with our government and the companies that we rely on for both our work and our personal lives has crossed a line that we need to back away from.
I know there are those of you out there that would argue “what difference does it make?”, but the fact is, attitudes like those are what got us to where we are. We have always assumed that the United States Government has lost site of the Constitution and were trashing our rights on a daily basis. However, to see facts that they not only are doing this, but that respected companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and others are all helping them to do it, well, it really disappointed me.
As a result, there are a few changes you will be seeing us make and some behind the scenes changes I wanted to mention. The first is that we’re no longer going to be using Google as our primary means of searching the Internet. We’ve instead started using for those needs. The second is that we’re setting up a new chat system that all of our customers are going to be able to start using, that will allow you guys to communicate with us better, but that will also be encrypted and eliminate the peeping eyes of Microsoft and others.
I hope to have Skype completely replaced within the next 2 weeks and have all our communications going through our own chat system. We will also be setting up rooms for support and sales that you will be able to join to ask questions and receive assistance directly.
We believe very strongly in our Constitution and the right to protect our data from others and will continue to work hard to insure Lizzy and her supporting systems stay secure.
I’ll get off my soap box now. Have a great day!