Using Reference Numbers with Purchase Orders in Lizzy
Suppliers often use an internal PO number or reference number for orders you send them. This can create confusion given that Lizzy generates a PO number automatically when you create the order. To make it easier to find a PO by the supplier PO number or reference number, we’ve added a few new fields to Lizzy.
Next, you can locate the PO using the reference number. You can access this from Accounting > Payables > Locate an Order or Inventory > Process Items > Locate an Order.
We’ve also added in the reference number to the Receiving screen (beside each PO) so that you can find the PO you want.
To search by reference number on this screen, you’ll want to use Control + F (if you’re on Windows) or Command + F (if you’re on Mac). This allows you to search text within the current screen to find a specific number. (Tip: you can use this on other webpages to find specific search terms, even when there’s no search bar!)
If the reference number is found on the page, it will be highlighted beside the PO it’s linked to.