• Phone+1 678.359.4184
  • Address126 A Singley Rd. Jackson GA 30233
  • Open HoursSupport : Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM EST / Sat: 9 AM – 1 PM EST
  • Phone+1 678.359.4184
  • Address126 A Singley Rd. Jackson GA 30233
  • Open HoursSupport : Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM EST / Sat: 9 AM – 1 PM EST

Technician Performance Report

We understand that some of the reports in Lizzy can be a bit hard to understand, particularly the ones that contain a lot of data, such as the Technician Performance Report. To help, two of our support reps, Michelle & David B., have created a guide to reading & understanding this report.

Purpose of the Report:

The Technician Performance Report shows the amount of time a technician worked on a job (Wrench Time) and the amount of time being passed to the Invoice as Billable Time. It also shows the Tech’s Productivity, Proficiency and Efficiency based off the Wrench Time, Billable Time and Clocked in Time.

Explanation of Fields:

  • Date Options – Date range that you would like the information to be displayed for.
  • Previous Processed Dates: Allows the user to look at data from previous processed runs of the report. The dates that the report was processed will be in a drop down list to be selected.
  • Location – If multi-location is used, then the location the report is being run for will be selected.
  • Departments – If using Service Department, the department that you would like to see can be selected.
  • Labor Options: Either Processed or Unprocessed
    • Un-processed  The data in the jobs and invoices has NOT been processed by this report.
    • Processed  The data in the jobs and invoices HAS been processed by this report.
  • Invoice Options: Internal, Service or Both. These are the type(s) of invoices that will be displayed.
  • Job Options: Either Completed, Incomplete or Both.
    • Completed– The job has been marked as complete by clicking on the green checkmark on the job.
    • Incomplete  – The job has Wrench Time entered but has not yet been marked complete.
    • Both – This will show both complete and incomplete jobs.
  • Warranty Options – Warranty, Non-Warranty or Both.
  • Tech Option – If you would like to see just one tech, select the tech you wish to see. Or select All to see all techs.
  • Ignore Unassigned Jobs:
    • Checked – Jobs that have NO wrench time will be ignored.
    • Unchecked – Jobs with NO wrench time will be included in the report.
  • Generate Snap Shot – This is used to get information just in the dates selected that the report was run by. When running the report by Generate Snap Shot and Unprocessed it will not show any invoices not marked as processed outside of the date range selected.

Reading the Report:

The Technician Performance Report shows the user the values keyed into jobs as wrench time and what was charged to the invoices as billable time, broken out by technician & job. When running the report it is best to run it by:

  • Unprocessed for the Labor option
  • Both for the Invoice option as long as you do both service tickets and internals and pay your technician for both types of invoices
  • Completed for the Job option
  • Both for Warranty if you use the warranty function in Lizzy and wish to pay your technicians for both Warranty and Non-Warranty Jobs

Once you run the report and gathered your information, you should click the Process Unprocess Items button at the bottom of the report. It will clear all the current information on the report, so it will not show up again on the report unless you run the report by the previous processed dates or by the labor option of Processed instead of Unprocessed. Once the report is processed, the jobs that were shown on the report are no longer editable because we want to prevent an employee changing their billable time or wrench time, causing them to get paid for the same job more than once.


Wrench Time – This is the time the tech entered on the job by using the “Enter Wrench Time” button on the job, or by clocking in and out of the job.

Total Billable Time – The time that is billed to the customer on the job.

Tech Efficiency – Billable Time/Wrench Time.

Productivity – Wrench Time/Clock Time

Proficiency – Billable Time/Clock Time

***Please Note***

Billable time in the detail may not match billable time in the summary due to multiple mechanics working on same job, or single mechanic working on the job in other periods. The detail section shows current total hours for entire job where the mechanics are only looking at a single entry.