Latest Lizzy™ Release Notes
I’m not sure how many of you have noticed but on the main login screen for Lizzy there is a link that was added a few months ago that will display the latest release notes for the system. Depending on how quickly releases come out there could be multiple releases showing at the same time. This week is a good example. We were able to get quite a bit done this week and as a result there are two sets of release notes currently available to view there.
Release was released last Friday and contains a major release with lots of new and updated features.
Release was released last night and contains a minor release with a good bit of items completed within the last 5 days.
One of the reasons for the latest release being so quick was that some of the features that were added are going to save quite a few of you time when it comes to setting up the application and we felt it was important enough to kick it out now rather than making you wait for us to finish the full version release that could be a few weeks away.
So thats all I wanted to cover for now. The release is posted and available to all, so have fun and keep up…
–glenn hancock