Why is there a Random Button on Locate Screen?
Recently we’ve added a new button that can be found on the CRM Locate Contact screen named “Locate Random” that may confuse people so I wanted to take a minute to go through why we added this button and how you might use it.
First of all, the button was initially added to aid the sales department in locating people to call. One of the most time consuming things that a sales rep can do, is trying to locate who they might want to talk to next. They could use all sorts of processes to make this determination but in the end, they need to be on the phone. So to help speed up this process our thought was to have a way that they could ask Lizzy to give them any old random person that hadn’t purchased any products from us.
However, as we proceeded with determining what rules we’d make Lizzy follow for retrieving this random contact, we decided that maybe it would be better to allow the Rep themselves to help guide her. So while training Lizzy we told her not to decide on her own, but rather use the other information on the Locate screen that the user had supplied her with, and then randomize a selection based on this data.
In the end, Lizzy can now find you a random contact that fits your initial criteria such as whether they’ve purchased from you before, whether they are at a certain level in the sales process or perhaps someone that is marked as no service. So instead of being a useful sales tool, Lizzy can now help out in all departments. If you need to contact existing customers to see how things are going and want to be sure that you don’t call the same ones over and over again, you can select to view Purchased customers and then let Lizzy grab a random one from that list. If you’re in sales and want to locate someone from your prospects list but want to make sure you’re contacting new customers each day, instead of recalling the same ones over and over, select Prospects and let Lizzy find you a random one from that list of prospects. You can even find contacts that are in a specific zipcode or area code and then let Lizzy randomly choose one for you.
One Last Note on the Locate Contact screen. Lizzy tries to help you out by remembering your last performed search when you open the page, so if you want to perform a new search, make sure you press the Reset button to reset all the fields back to their original values.
Until next time,
–glenn hancock