Rental Module coming soon!
With the release of Lizzy next week, we will be including a free rental module that is included in the system. In its current version it supports setting up rental units, specifying needed parameters to help with scheduling and renting and handling the overall necessary processes for this part of your business.
For the next release, which is due out in about a month and a half, we are working closely with a number of our customers in order to put the finishing touches on our new rental scheduling system that will provide a calendar driven scheduler to aid in selecting specific models and types of units and then visually seeing how many are open for each day. Selecting on a day will then display more detail as to who has them scheduled and when.
You will also be able to collect customer deposits on the fly with this system and then later apply those rental credits to the actual rental when the customer shows up. It will also feature a one click process to generate the rental ticket, attach the required customer and ready you to enter the actual VIN/Serial number of the item being taken.
Other features will include regular scheduled maintenance reminders and tracking units through service, where Lizzy will take them out of service and bring them back into service automatically as the required maintenance is completed.
We’re very excited about the new areas of operation this module will open up for us and the ability of Lizzy to track yet one more aspect of running your business in total.
Stay tuned for more exciting news as it happens.
–glenn hancock