This article will walk you through the process of renting out a serialized unit. An Important Note Before you get started, it is important that you understand there are five…More…Renting Serialized Units
This article will explain everything you need to set up before you can rent units in Lizzy. Make sure you have a Rental Department: The first thing you will need…More…Rental Module Setup
This article will cover how to set up and manage your forms in Lizzy. Just to clear up any potential confusion, the forms we are dealing with here is anything…More…Form Setup and Management in Lizzy
We have been hard at work adding new features to Lizzy and improving existing features, to help make the system a bit simpler to use. For those of you that…More…New and Improved Lizzy Updates
In this article we will be covering how to floor plan major units in Lizzy. Now, first of all, in Lizzy the terms “Floor Planning” and “Refinancing” are used interchangeably.…More…Floor Planning / Refinancing Units in Lizzy